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Strange Laws
Theaters in Glendale, California can show horror films only on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday (and its only rom-coms the rest of the week?)

You can't plow a cotton field with an elephant in North Carolina (how do they feel about Rhinos?)

In Lehigh, Nebraska it's against the law to sell donut holes (what else are you suppose to do with it?)

Anti-modem laws restrict Internet access in the country of Burma. Illegal possession of a modem can lead to a prison term (how do they know this then?)

In the state of Queensland, Australia, it is still constitutional law that all pubs (hotel/bar) must have a railing outside for patrons to tie up their horse (well ofcourse!)

For hundreds of years, the Chinese jealously guarded the secret of sericulture; imperial law decreed death by torture to those who disclosed how to make silk (still can't tell you)

In Breton, Alabama, there is a law on the town's books against riding down the street in a motorboat (damn)

In New York State, it is still illegal to shoot a rabbit from a moving trolley car (but a parted one is ok?)

In Saudi Arabia, a woman reportedly may divorce her husband if he does not keep her supplied with coffee (good)

Women were banned by royal decree from using hotel swimming pools in Jidda, Saudi Arabia, in 1979

In Somalia, Africa, it's been decreed illegal to carry old chewing gum stuck on the tip of your nose (you know it makes sence)

In some smaller towns in the state of Arizona, it is illegal to wear suspenders (thank god!)

Every citizen of Kentucky is required by law to take a bath at least once a year (kind of glad about that one!)

In 1845 Boston had an ordinance banning bathing unless you had a doctor's prescription (so you move to Kentucky)

In Michigan it's illegal to place a skunk inside your bosses desk (we all know thats were skunks belong)

In Kentucky, it is illegal to carry ice cream in your back pocket (where else am I suppose to put it?)

It's illegal in Alabama to wear a fake mustache that causes laughter in church (but a beard is ok?)

In parts of Alaska, it's illegal to feed alcohol to a moose (so do you want them to die of thrist!)

Weird Animals
Ostriches are often not taken seriously. They can run faster than horses, and the males can roar like lions

Guinea pigs and rabbits can't sweat

Sloths take two weeks to digest their food

Deer can't eat hay

The duckbill platypus can store as many as six hundred worms in the pouches of its cheeks

Human birth control pills work on gorillas

There are more than fifty different kinds of kangaroos

A group of twelve or more cows is called a flink

You can tell the sex of a horse by its teeth. Most males have 40, females have 36

Tuatara lizards, from New Zealand, have two eyes in the center of their heads and a third one on top of their heads

Giraffes can't cough

All shrimp are born male, but slowly grow into females as they mature

The stomach acids in a snake's stomach can digest bones and teeth but not fur or hair

You can house break an armadillo

Snakes don’t bite in rivers or swamps because they would drown if they did

Ostriches stick their heads in the sand to look for water

The most venomous of all snakes, known as the Inland Taipan has enough venom in one bite to kill over 200,000 mice

The world camel population is 19,627,000

The first known contraceptive was crocodile dung, used by Egyptians in 2000 B.C

Lobsters are scared of octopuses. The sight of one makes a lobster freeze

Dogs have about 100 different facial expressions, most of them made with the ears

In Vermont, the ratio of cows to people is 10:1
Medical Facts
Medical researchers contend that no disease ever identified has been completely eradicated

The attachment of the human skin to muscles is what causes dimples

People who have a tough time handling the stress of money woes are twice as likely to develop severe gum disease

Between 25% to 33% of the population sneeze when they are exposed to light

Approximately 16 Canadians have their appendices removed, when not required, every day

The human brain stops growing at the age of 18

In 1977, a 13 year old child found a tooth growing out of his left foot

It takes an interaction of 72 different muscles to produce human speech

Your thumb is the same length as your nose

During his or her lifetime, the average human will grow 590 miles of hair

The substance that human blood resembles most closely in terms of chemical composition is sea water

The right lung takes in more air than the left lung

Females have 500 more genes than males, and because of this are protected from things like color blindness and hemophilia

People who have never been married are seven and a half times more likely than married people to be admitted to a psychiatric facility

"Soldiers disease" is a term for morphine addiction. The Civil War produced over 400,000 morphine addicts

During a kiss as many as 278 bacteria colonies are exchanged

Human thigh bones are stronger than concrete
Film and Tv
The 1997 Jack Nicholson film - "As Good As It Gets", is known in China as "Mr. Cat Poop"

The writers of The Simpsons have never revealed what state Springfield is in

Bruce was the nickname of the mechanical shark used in the "Jaws" movies

Donald Duck comics were banned from Finland because he doesn't wear pants

"60 Minutes" is the only show on CBS that doesn’t have a theme song

In Hitchcock’s movie, "Rear Window", Jimmy Stewart plays a character wearing a leg cast from the waist down. In one scene, the cast switches legs, and in another, the signature on the cast is missing

In the Disney movie Aladdin, when Aladdin is talking to Jasmine right before taking her on a carpet ride, Rajah attacks him. Aladdin says, 'Get back, kitty' or something like that. Then he whispers to Jasmine telling her to take off her clothes

The most popular sport as a topic for a film is boxing

Scooby Doo's first real name is Scoobert

In an episode of The Simpsons, Sideshow Bob's Criminal Number is 24601, the same as the Criminal number of Jean Valjean in Les Miserables

From Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me — In the U.S., "shag" is far less offensive than in other English-speaking countries. Singapore briefly forced a title change to "The Spy Who Shioked Me." ("Shioked" means "treated nicely.")

Because metal was scarce, the Oscars given out during World WarII were made of wood

The first female monster to appear on the big screen was Bride of Frankenstein

Bambi was originally published in 1929 in German

At one time, the line "Let's get outta here" had been used in 84% of Hollywood movie productions

Screenwriter Joe Ezterhas was paid million for his script, Basic Instinct, the highest amount ever paid to a screenwriter

The name of Popeye's adopted son is Swee'pea

According to the folks at Disney - there are 6,469,952 spots painted on dogs in the original 101 Dalmatians

Smithee is a pseudonym that filmmakers use when they don't want their names to appear in the credits
Celeb Facts
President Teddy Roosevelt died from an "infected tooth."

Julius Caesar was self-conscious about his receding hairline

Charlie Chaplin was so popular during the 1920s and 1930s, he received over 73,00 letters in just 2 days during a visit to London

Lincoln was shot on Good Friday

George Washington died after being bled by leeches

Ellen DeGeneres was the first stand-up comedian Johnny Carson ever asked to sit on "The Tonight Show" guest couch during a first appearance

Entertainers who worked in the pizza business before they became famous include Stephen Baldwin, who was a pizza parlor employee, Bill Murray, who was a pizza maker, and Jean-Claude Van Damme, who delivered pizzas. Many years back, Julia Roberts and Christie Brinkley both sold ice cream. Before she made it as a pop singer, Madonna sold doughnuts at Dunkin' Donuts. And in the burger arena, Jennifer Aniston was a waitress at a burger joint, Queen Latifah worked at Burger King, and Andie McDowell was employed by McDonald's

Jonathan Davids, lead singer for Korn, played in his high school bagpipe band

Steven Spielberg is Drew Barrymore's godfather

O.J. Simpson had a severe case of rickets and wore leg braces when he was a child

Mark Twain first learned to ride a bicycle at age 55

Did you know that Goofy actually started life as 'Dippy Dawg,' a combination of both Goofy and Pluto

Bette Davis appeared in more than 100 films between 1931 and 1989

Frank Sinatra was once quoted as saying rock 'n' roll was only played by 'cretinous goons

Humphrey Bogart was related to Princess Diana

Hitler was claustrophobic

Writer Director Actor Albert Brooks real name is Albert Einstein

March 2 is Dr. Seuss' birthday

Michael Jackson was black. :)

Talk show host Montel Williams had a nose job

Salvador Dali once arrived to an art exhibition in a limousine filled with turnips

Clark Gable used to shower more than 4 times a day

Adam Sandler and Bill Gates rank number 1 and 2 among the most popular role models with male college freshmen

In 1996, Ringo Starr appeared in a Japanese advertisement for applesauce, which coincidentally is what his name means in Japanese

King Kong was Adolf Hitler's favorite movie

Mickey Mouse was the first non-human to win an Oscar

Napoleon was terrified of cats

Reportedly, Virginia Woolf wrote all her books while standing

Bill Cosby was the first black to win a best actor Emmy

Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, and Dostoyevsky were all epileptics

Stats and Facts
More People use blue toothbrushes then red ones

About two hundred babies are born worldwide every minute

Your statistical chance of being murdered is one in twenty thousand

If you earn twenty thousand dollars a year, one minute of your time is worth a little more than seventeen cents

Despite the fact that 77 percent of Americans go to the grocery store with a list, it's estimated that half of everything bought there is bought on impulse

Forty percent of American adults cannot fill out a bank deposit slip correctly

Paranormal experts say people reach the peak of their ability to see ghosts when they're 7 years old

Someone on Earth reports seeing a UFO every three minutes

Someone within 200 miles of your town claims to have had direct contact with a monster, ghost or other unexplainable being

Forty percent of the American population has never visited a dentist

10 Percent of men are left-handed while only 8 percent of women are left-handed

August is the month when most baby's are born

Most humans can guess someone's sex with 95 percent accuracy just by smelling their breath

Two-thirds of men wear briefs, 22 percent wear boxers, and six percent don't wear underwear (I assume 6% did not answer)

Ninety percent of U.S. households have at lease one remote control for the television; 8 out of 10 report losing it

Chocolate manufacturers use 40 percent of the world's almonds

There are more telephones than people in Washington DC

Out of the 34,000 gun deaths in the U.S. each year, fewer than 300 are listed as "justifiable homicide," the only category that could include shooting a burglar, mugger, or rapist

Only 3 percent of Americans ages 18 to 21 attended college in 1890

In 1990 there were about 15,000 vacuum cleaner related accidents in the U.S

Adults spend an average of 16 times as many hours selecting clothes (145.6 hours a year) as they do on planning their retirement

Seventy percent of house dust is made up of dead skin flakes

40,000 Americans are injured by toilets every year

The average person over fifty will have spent 5 years waiting in lines

75% of people wash from top to bottom in the shower

The most popular name given to boat-owners’ boats is "Obsession"

Over 2500 left handed people a year are killed from using products made for right handed people

There are 10 doctors in the U.S. with the last name of 'Nurse'

The standard escalator moves 120 feet per minute

Only 30% of us can flare our nostrils

21% of us don't make our bed daily. 5% of us never do

40% of women have hurled footwear at a man